Unlike any other form of child care, the Au Pair program aspires for cultural understanding. Children cared for by Au Pairs develop awareness and curiosity about worldwide differences under the love of a trusted and nurturing adult. Parents welcome the personal stories and thought provoking conversations Au Pairs promote in the home and enjoy watching their children learn foreign word, games, songs and holidays.
For an Au Pair, the family and child care focus makes a deeper and richer cultural experience than other programs offer. Families and Au Pairs celebrate in the simple moments of life as dinner, homework, afterschool events, even housework transforms from mundane to extraordinary. Au Pairs and the children explore the local area together, visiting libraries, parks, children’s activity centers, zoos, aquariums and other local places.
At the end of the experience, the Au Pair returns home with a meaningful understanding of Americans and the Host Family gains a new family member overseas and a broader understanding of the world.
Hear Families and Au Pairs Talk About the Impact of the Cultural Experience

Being able to live this experience has been one of the best things that have happened to me in my life, even though I miss my family in Colombia a lot, I know I have a second family here too and this experience and these people are not found everywhere.
Anny Tweet
I don’t know where to start it, it’s hard to explain all my feelings after great two years being an au pair in America. Please don’t mind my broken English, having third language it’s not easy! The last two years I’ve grown a lot! Two years ago I didn’t know anything about American culture or about country besides from movies. Then I came as an au pair to California and started live with my host family. Living with host family and take care of their kids was great opportunity to see how is American kids lifestyle, school, books, movies, social activities something like that a lot of things that helped learn the culture and lifestyle. I think taking care of the kids great opportunity for explore the city and communicate with people because mostly you have a car and you can drive them to different places like parks, museums, farms, swimming pool, gym, where you can understand that you live in different country and see the details of the place and culture. My first week I felt alone but my au pair lar came to visit me, she was so friendly to me and she immediately made welcome event for me, that way I could make friends from the event and I started hang out with them in my free time. I am so thankful for go au pair agency didn’t feel me alone and always keep contact with me.
Nuray, Au Pair from Turkey, caring for one child age 2
As busy professionals, we couldn’t imagine our lives without our Au Pair D. She has become a trusted and deeply integrated part of our family. Our kids adore her, and it’s obvious how much she truly cares for them. This is not just a “job” to her… she is more like a big sister! It brings us great comfort to know our kids are cared for by someone we absolutely trust. Unlike a daycare, she is able to meet their individual and unique needs because she knows them so well. D has left a mark on our family that we will never forget!
Jennifer, Host Mom in Minneapolis, MN with 4 children ages 1 to 8

A family does not always have blood ties, family are those who love you, support you unconditionally and who always want to see you happy. When I got here, I had many expectations to fulfill, goals and dreams to achieve and today I can say that none of this would have been possible without the support of my beautiful host family. As I write this, my tears fall, because I realized that this way of showing love is exceedingly difficult to find and I found it here with my host family. The bond that we have is special. I consider that we are a great team and that we complement each other. I will always be grateful for every teaching, care, joy, and strength that they have given me. Today I know a different culture and I am incredibly happy because I live it through them.