Shonna A.
My name is Shonna and I’m your Au Pair Sis!
I’m here as a resource before, during, and after your experience with the Au Pair Program. If you have questions or want to share your story, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
I can’t wait to hear from you!
About Me
I live in Utah but I am originally from Texas. I live with my husband and my fur babies, a dog and a cat. I love reading, all kinds of music (David Bowie is my favorite), and going to concerts and the movies.
My role at Go Au Pair
In addition to being the Au Pair Sis, I am also the Marketing/ Communications Analyst at Go Au Pair.
I have worked at Go Au Pair for 9+ years and I used to be a Placement Coordinator. Now I manage Go Au Pair’s social media pages and work with the Marketing Team on our marketing & content strategies. My favorite part of working at Go Au Pair is listening to all of the stories I hear and sharing them with our community. I enjoy knowing that the insights Au Pairs and Host Families share with me will help others have a good experience during their placement.
How I found out about Au Pair child care
I have worked on and off with children since I was old enough to babysit. I have taken classes in child development and education. I worked in a pre-school for a year and I have been a teaching assistant in an elementary school. I understand how important it is to support and encourage children’s learning and show them new experiences.
I have always enjoyed learning about other cultures and experiencing new cultural experiences. When a friend told me about Go Au Pair and about the Au Pair program I thought it would be a great opportunity to be involved in a company that supports cultural experiences with a child care aspect. It has been amazing to support Au Pairs and Host Families from all over the country.
Current Special Project
YOU! I’m here to engage with our community, hear about why you’re part of the Au Pair Program, and answer questions about childcare, cultural exchange, living situations, and anything else you might encounter!
I’m not the only resource to this community. The biggest resource here is you, yourself. When you comment on the Go Au Pair blog or on our social media posts, you may be helping others more than you know.
If you are interested in sharing your experience, please reach out via email or Facebook Messenger. I can’t wait to hear your story!