Hey! My name is Paulina I am an Au Pair in Utah from Poland! I think I am the luckiest au pair on the world because of having so great host family! Let me explain why they are the best!
My host family is always here for me and I can always count on my host parents and host kids, they never leave me alone with my own problems, there are so many situations they helped me go through the time I live with them, starting with simple (very difficult for young girl) advice about dating and resolving a car accident that I had. They support me with everything!
Overcoming My Fear of Water…
One of my biggest fears as a child was water and even worse, jumping into water. I would make up reasons not to go to swimming parties to avoid the chance that I would have to jump into water. When I got to Utah, my host family told me how much they love the water and going to the lake. One of their favorite places is a lake called Lake Powell in southern Utah. I first visited Lake Powell with them in October of last year, and it is honestly one of the most beautiful places on earth. It has red rock walls that raise up 1,000s of feet above the water. It reminds me of the Grand Canyon. Well, one of my host family’s favorite activities is to jump off the cliffs into the water. Oh was I scared. Our first trip to Lake Powell, no matter how much I tried I could not do it.
As we have gone back to Lake Powell many times, the kids continued to jump of cliffs and begged me to do it too. They promised to help me and hold my hand. Finally, with my heart pounding, and thinking I was going to die, I jumped off the cliff into the water. It was one of the scariest moments in my life. But, there was my family all exciting and cheering for me as I came out of the water. I was so happy I had overcome my fear to be with them. Now, I jump with all of them and even better, I have found a new favorite sport called Wake Surfing, and you know what, I’m pretty darn good at it!
Even more amazing…
What is even more amazing is that our last time to Lake Powell, we found a sinking boat, and with the family I did not hesitate to jump into the water to help save the people and boat. Together as a family, we rescued and saved the family and boat. I am so proud that I could be a part of that rescue and that experience.
Life with My Host Family…
My host family has helped me to be better me, they teach me how to be organized, prepared, and on time. They support me to achieve my future goals even if it means I have to finish my job earlier than I am supposed to.
Sharing their love has made me want to be a better person and Au Pair. I always try hard to give them my best, by being kind and nice and positive and by doing little things like I know my mom in Poland would love me to do. Such as, helping with dishes when I’m not working or picking up the stuff I see on the floor. I know it would make my mom happy so I am always happy to do these little things for my host mom. I also love to spend my free time with my host kids and doing face masks or playing board games or having a girl night and watch Disney movies.
I am sure, I am the luckiest person in whole world because I have the best host family!