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How to Stress Less About Your Baby Feeding Schedule: A Guide

How to Stress Less About Your Baby Feeding Schedule: A GuideUNICEF recommends breastfeeding within the first hour after giving birth. This is quite significant as it marks the start of your baby’s feeding schedule.

Unfortunately, in many instances, it’s far from simple and often overwhelming. These feelings aren’t exclusive to first-time mothers. 

Each child is different, and this includes their feeding patterns. A first child that eats on schedule may have a sibling with erratic eating habits. Establishing a feeding routine for your baby can help you avoid this.

Read on to find out the importance of a baby schedule, when you should start, and how to get your little one on board.

The Importance of a Baby Feeding Schedule 

Parents often discuss which stage of childhood is the most challenging. The ‘eat, sleep, play’ components of a newborn routine may make this phase seem easy. Babies don’t truly get involved in interactive play until about six months. This, too, may make this stage the forerunner.

However, lack of sleep during the first months after birth can take its toll. Your baby’s feeding habits are to blame for this. Their small tummies can only hold so much (about two to four ounces), the contents of which they empty within 50 minutes to an hour after feeding.

Despite this, having a newborn baby schedule for feedings will ensure your baby properly grows and develops. It also helps you to anticipate their needs before they become hungry. There are also lots of other benefits for both you and your baby when you follow a feeding schedule:

There’s No Guessing

Having a baby routine takes the guesswork out of wondering why your baby might be crying. An infant schedule eliminates two of those reasons – hunger and a wet or messy diaper. 

This is another benefit of feeding your baby according to a schedule. It allows you to anticipate diaper changes.

However, always check with your physician to ensure your baby is getting enough from their feedings. 

Recommended Daily Allowance

Knowing how much milk or formula your baby needs every day ensures your baby is well-fed and is supplied with all the nutrients they need.  

Your schedule will be much easier in the first month with your baby’s strict milk diet. It becomes a little trickier as they transition to solids later on. However, keeping up to date with your pediatrician should make this new phase easy as well.

Pumping Breastmilk Becomes Easier

Pumping breastmilk can be a part of your baby’s feeding schedule. The intervals between feedings are ideal for this. Your body then becomes accustomed to this routine. It will produce the amount of milk you need for future feedings.

It Reduces Bad Habits

Feeding schedules work whether you’re breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. However, for bottle-fed babies, not having a schedule could result in bad habits.

If you feed your baby when he or she is not truly hungry, they may start sucking on the bottle for comfort. Some babies become more interested in using it as a pacifier instead of actually feeding.

Mom feeding babyBoth Mom and Baby Will Love It

There’s something about predictability that can be comforting, especially for children. When a baby knows what to expect, it changes their whole disposition. They’re calm and content as they embrace the stability and security a routine provides.

A feeding routine will also help you determine how to plan your day and anticipate your baby’s needs. This makes things easier for both of you.

Rest Easy

What’s the benefit of a feeding schedule and a bedtime routine? It can help your baby sleep through the night sooner. A well-fed, well-rested baby shouldn’t have a reason to wake up in the middle of the night. 

This also translates into more sleep for you, too. 

What mother wouldn’t be happy to hear this? Simply call it the ‘happiest baby on the block feeding schedule.’ It will bring joy, not to mention sleep, to you and the baby.

What Age Should a Baby Feeding Schedule Start? 

When do babies get a schedule? There’s no magic number, but you’ll probably hear a lot about feeding on demand. Many experts believe this is the best approach to take with a newborn. However, even at this early stage, patterns will develop. 

These will be easier to distinguish by the time your baby is two months old. However, bear in mind that every child is different. Generally, the feeding habits of most babies will fall within the following categories:

  • Newborn Baby – One to two ounces of milk at every feeding with approximately eight to 12 feedings each day.
  • Two-week Old Baby – Two to three ounces of milk at every feeding with approximately eight to 12 feedings each day.
  • One-month Old Baby – Three to four ounces of milk at every feeding with approximately eight to 10 feedings each day.
  • Two-month Old Baby – Four to five ounces of milk at every feeding with approximately six to eight feedings each day.
  • Four-month Old Baby – Four to six ounces of milk at every feeding with approximately six to eight feedings each day.
  • Six to 12-month Old Baby – Seven to eight ounces of milk at every feeding with approximately four to six feedings each day.

Babies will start solids between six to nine months old. These will usually consist of cereals. You can also slowly introduce pureed fruits and vegetables. 

Stick to the same type of food for several days. This makes it easier to determine if your baby is allergic to specific foods. 

During this time, you’ll notice that their milk intake will reduce as they consume more solids.

By 12 months old, your baby should be eating a blander version of your family’s dinner menu. This should be in moderate portions with manageable bite-size pieces.

How to Get a Baby on a Schedule 

Are you now sold on a baby feeding schedule? If so, your may be wondering where to start. How do you get your baby on a feeding schedule? 


Remember that everything takes time. You’ll need to initially follow your newborn’s lead. Your child will give you cues to let you know when they’re hungry. These include:

  • Fussing that may escalate into crying
  • Turning their head to look for your nipple
  • Putting fingers or fist in mouth
  • Smacking of lips

You can base your baby’s feeding schedule on this. But don’t be afraid to tweak when needed. Where possible, feed them at intervals that work with your schedule but don’t disrupt them.


If, at times, they still seem hungry, feed them. The amount your baby needs will increase as they grow. Your pediatrician can guide you as your baby’s body develops.

Make Feeding Easier with Go Au Pair 

Routines give children a sense of security and stability. Although they may initially protest your efforts, persistence and consistency are key. This applies to your baby as well. 

Both you and your baby will benefit from healthy routines, including a baby feeding schedule. It may work so well that it may even convince you that a baby’s first year IS the best stage of childhood.

Go Au Pair is there to help you with everything from feeding to development. Trust an au pair to assist with your baby’s feeding schedule and other essential tasks. 

No matter what you need, rest assured that your child is in good hands! Contact us today to get started. 

Michael Green


Michael has been Go Au Pair's Digital Marketing Specialist and Webmaster for over 5 years, with over a decade of marketing and content creation experience.

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