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Healthy Snacks for Kids That Are Delicious & Easy to Make

It’s important to have healthy snacks for kids on hand. Kids seem to be constantly hungry. While it’s easy to let them snack on things like bread or fruit snacks, easy snacks aren’t always the healthiest.

Of course, it can be difficult to prep healthy food 100% of the time. You’re busy, and healthy food takes time.

When kids are young, it’s also important to start setting a standard of healthy eating. This is the time for kids to develop good snacking habits. The foods they eat now will become their go-to comfort foods as adults.

Plus, the time you spend together in the kitchen gives you the opportunity to make more precious memories with your kids.

Delicious, Easy, & Healthy Snacks for Kids

This is why Go Au Pair asked cooking experts to contribute recipes for the best healthy snacks for kids.

Whether you need snacks for a day at the park, or the kids just need a little boost during homework time, these snacks are quick, easy, and delicious.

Kids baking

Au Pairs- Here’s a handy measurement converter that easily converts imperial measurements to metric!

For Busy Mornings

Save yourself from scrambling to prep healthy snacks every day. These recipes can be made ahead. Plus, they’re so simple, you can easily prep enough to last the entire week.

Gluten-Free Chocolate Banana Muffins

If your kids love chocolate, these muffins are the perfect healthy treat. The recipe makes 18 muffins, so depending on how many kids you’re feeding, they could last all week!

This recipe can be made with regular flour if you don’t need a gluten-free recipe. Get the recipe here.

gluten free muffins

Easy Banana Overnight Oats

Full of nutrition that will help the kids get through the day, this recipe is both vegan-friendly and gluten-free. If your kids don’t like oatmeal, they might reconsider after trying these overnight oats! Get the recipe here.

Overnight oats


For Kids with Dietary Needs

It can be challenging to find healthy snacks for kids with dietary needs. These easy, delicious recipes make snack time a little less complicated.

Gluten-Free Mini Blueberry Muffins

Even if you don’t have to worry about gluten, these mini muffins are delicious and super easy to make. Whip these up for the perfect on-the-go bite or after-school snack. Get the recipe here.

gluten free muffins

Easy Instant Pot Hummus

This insta-hummus is a flavorful way to get the kids to eat healthy food. It’s the perfect snack for vegan families or kids who are lactose-intolerant. Eat it with pita bread or use it as a vegetable dip! Get the recipe here.


Quick, “Hidden Veggie” Mac & Cheese

Do you struggle to get the kids to eat their vegetables? This Mac & Cheese recipe gets it creaminess from vegetables, making it one of the best healthy snacks for kids. And the best part? They won’t even know the veggies are there! Get the recipe here.

Veggie mac and cheese

For School Lunches and After-School Snacks

When kids eat better at school, they learn better and come home less grouchy. Surprise the kids with these adorable snacks for school lunches.

(Hint: Au Pairs, delight your Host Family by preparing these healthy snacks for your Host Kids!)

Not-Your-Mom’s Ants on a Log

Kids hate “Ants on a Log”? Try a “Snail on a Trail” instead!

For this snack, you’ll need celery, apples, peanut butter, pretzels, and mini chocolate chips (or anything else you can use to decorate the snail’s face). If your kids are extra picky, try honey peanut butter. This snack is so cute and delicious, it might just become their new favorite!

Ants on a log snack

Photo Credit: Two Chums

Apple Owl

Most kids see apples a-plenty between home and school. Here’s a fun way to turn this commonplace fruit into something more exciting! All you need is one apple, one pretzel stick, two mini marshmallows and chocolate chips for the eyes, and a mandarin orange for the beak and feet.

Apple owl

Photo Credit: Kitchen Fun With My 3 Sons

Try These Recipes & Share Them With Each Other!

If you try these recipes, we would love to see your pictures on Instagram or Facebook. Just tag @GoAuPair.

Host Parents– share this blog post with your Au Pair for some fun ideas!

Au Pairs– share this blog post with other Au Pairs, especially if they recently arrived in the USA & might benefit from snack ideas for their Host Kids.

Recipe Contributors

Meet the amazing moms who shared their delicious recipes with us!

Cheryl Malik

Cheryl Malik is the recipe developer, writer, and photographer behind the clean eating, paleo, and Whole30 recipes at 40 Aprons. She’s been a blogger for 10 years and is known for her flavorful, family-friendly recipes and detailed recipe instructions.

The Butter Half

Abbey shares nourishing and easy gluten-free recipes and wellness tips for the family. Her goal is to provide resources, knowledge, and tips to help people achieve their ultimate wellness goals. She wants every family to live their best life through nutritious food!

Shonna Anderson


Shonna has worked for Go Au Pair for 9+ years. She started as a Placement Coordinator creating connections between Host Families and Au Pairs. Then moved in to the Au Pair and International space working with Au Pairs from all over the world. Now she writes helpful, inspiring, and fun content for Go Au Pair. If you are interested in sharing your experience, or if you have questions or would like assistance, please reach out to @ShonnaAuPairSis on Facebook or email sanderson@goaupair.com.

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About Our Au Pair Agency

Go Au Pair is one of the best Au Pair agencies in the United States, providing quality child care for over 30 years. Beginning as a nanny company in 1984, we soon expanded to include Au Pairs. We were one of the original Au Pair Program sponsors designated by the department of State in 1989.

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