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Help with Homework: Practical Tips for Parents

Helping Kids with Homework Isn’t Always Easy

As a parent with a school-aged child (or children), you may wonder how to help with homework. While helping kids with homework seems simple on the surface, supporting them in good study habits can be frustrating.

Even the best study habits are just that, habits. Good habits are learned behaviors.

Even the brightest children don’t automatically know how to study effectively. Some kids learn best from rote memorization, while others learn by doing or repeated practice. Some people just learn easier and faster than others and need to study less.

At some point, though, everyone needs to study, whether it’s for a chapter test or a driving test. Kids need to learn the best study habits from an early age to avoid frustration, struggle, and cost. And helping kids with homework becomes a lot easier with good study habits. If you want to know how to help with homework, it’s best to start by identifying your child’s learning style. 

Identify Your Child’s Learning Style to Make Homework Easier

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences theorizes that people have areas of intelligence and abilities beyond a measured Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Teachers frequently incorporate this concept into their classrooms by creating opportunities to show understanding beyond reading and writing.

These different types of intelligence include interpersonal, bodily/ kinesthetic, naturalistic, musical, and more. When different areas of intelligence are described, parents can often identify their own (and their children’s) areas of strength and weakness.

This concept can be applied to helping kids study through strength areas. Once these areas are identified, you can also teach kids how to grow in their areas of weakness.

Au Pairs: A Valuable Homework Partner for Busy Parents

If you want to learn how to help with homework as a busy parent, know that you don’t have to do this alone! An Au Pair can be your child’s teacher and model of good study habits. Since many Au Pairs are bi-lingual (or even tri-lingual), they are often familiar with using the best study habits to internalize knowledge.

Helping with homework comes naturally to many Au Pairs, who are often highly-motivated individuals. They must complete at least six college credits as part of the Au Pair Program. Your child will witness their study habits as they go through college classes. This can be a fantastic way to set a good example of study habits in your home.Au Pair helping with child's homework

Cheryl, a mother of two young boys, says her Au Pair has been instrumental in supporting her kids’ homework habits. “They have a patient and talented person to help them with homework assignments at 4:00 pm rather than 7:00 pm or 8:00 pm when they’re exhausted from their day.”

As extended family members, Au Pairs can also help with anything child-related, including offering homework tips for parents, helping kids with homework, guiding them to establish personal routines, and encouraging them to develop the best study habits.

The Importance of Teaching Good Study Habits, Early

Good study habits should begin at a very early age, even before kids go to school. (Yes, kids can learn good study habits even before school starts!) They watch us as parents and learn from what we do.

It’s vital to expressly state to children high expectations for their participation, effort, and success, even if the child struggles.

Think about studying as a general approach to life. If you go about life with very little or no plans or structures in place, life is hard, messy, and falls apart fast!

Here are a few ways you and your Au Pair can help your kids develop the best study habits (and life skills) in kids of all ages.

Set a Homework Routine and Stick to It

If my family doesn’t have dinner on time, it can throw off our entire week’s schedule.

Childcare providers commonly feel they’re dead in the water without a schedule. As a parent, you may already feel this way, too.

When I substitute teach, a lesson plan is important, but sometimes a schedule is even more important. Kids thrive on routine and structure, your kids included. Students will let me know if I go past snack, lunch, or recess time, and your kids will thrive when they know what to expect and when to expect it.

Kids need their own set time and place to study and do homework. This doesn’t mean you have to schedule your life down to the millisecond, but you can help your kids set up a structure to succeed. Provide a quiet time, maybe when younger siblings are napping or otherwise occupied, for older kids to complete homework after school.

This consistency will help your child develop the best study habits early on. For kids not yet in school, have a quiet time or study time each day when kids just look at books or work with their hands.

Create a Distraction-Free Workspace for Homework Success

If you want to understand how to help with homework, you need to appreciate the importance of the environment. You can’t cook dinner on dirty dishes, after all.

Kids cannot successfully complete assignments (or keep them organized!) in a messy workspace. Provide kids with a quiet, spacious, and clean area to complete assignments after school.

My kids sit on opposite sides of the table and keep their work separate, or they sometimes work at the desks in their bedrooms. To minimize distraction, the television is off during my child’s homework time, and no devices other than a radio are allowed.

I like to be within view of the kids to keep them on task or answer questions, just like I like to supervise when my tween does the dishes.

This is one of the best ways to cultivate the best study habits. Just think, when your kids are in college, they’ll already know they need a focused study space.child working on organization skills

Tackle the Tough Assignments First

I teach my kids to eat the grossest things first at dinnertime. 

Teach kids to tackle the ugliest and most difficult assignment first. Hint: This works for adults, too! For younger kids, since “homework” in primary grades is essentially either math or spelling, it will be whichever is more difficult for the individual child. For older kids, this will be the most difficult subject or assignment that takes the most time.

Willpower is a limited resource. The American Psychological Association says, “Some experts liken willpower to a muscle that can get fatigued from overuse.”

If you don’t agree with me on this, you must not have children or be adulting at all.

Once you recognize that you only have a certain amount of willpower (which can vary from person to person) and that it drains as the day goes on, it becomes apparent that the things that take the most willpower should be a priority.

I teach my kids that after you “eat the green stuff,” relax and eat everything you like. Doing the most enjoyable assignments last also acts as a reward system for finishing difficult homework. Ask your Au Pair to support you in this strategy and enforce it when you’re away.

Teach the Value of Planning and Pacing

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. You’ll choke!

Doing an assignment sooner rather than later is one of the best study habits you can teach a child. After all, procrastinating only leads to rushing, which produces shoddy effort and product. It’s also important to think about pacing.

Sometimes, when starting a project, it’s easy to take on too much at once, which can also affect the quality of work and motivation later on.

This is why planning is a strategy successful students use to manage projects of all sizes. Teaching kids to plan and manage their workload makes helping them with homework time much easier.

Show your kids a project you’ve worked on over time, maybe a painting, work presentation, or home improvement project. Explain which parts you worked on first and why. Explain how you prioritized different stages of the project and how your kids can do the same thing when completing homework.

Au Pairs illustrate this, too! See if your Au Pair will share how long it took them to plan their participation in the program. Becoming an Au Pair is a huge project! Or see if they will show your kids some current college projects, an art project, or any other assignments. Larger or long-term projects require more time, planning, and an earlier start than smaller or short-term projects.Child working on an art project

When kids just plain don’t want to study, good habits become more difficult.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.

Your children indeed need good habits to navigate school and life successfully. However, you cannot force kids to love learning, studying, or homework. Think of ways to make studying feel less like drudgery. This could be anything from implementing a reward system to allowing small breaks between projects.

Au Pairs are great role models, and hosting naturally creates an opportunity to share areas of interest and multiple modes of reaching the same destination. Most problems in life and school have multiple solutions but sometimes require plain old hard work. Au Pairs can share their struggles because we all know our struggles and experiences have little to no value to our kids (not really).

Encourage Kids to Ask for Help When Needed

Don’t pour that milk by yourself. Please.

Good studying means getting help when you need it.

Teach your kids to stop and “ask for directions” when lost. When you keep arriving at the same “intersection” or wrong answer, ask for help!

Helping kids with homework is much easier when the kids tell the adults what they’re struggling with.

Au Pairs are another perfect example and role model for their Host Kids. They need to ask for directions all the time, at least in the beginning. (It’s important to clarify what’s expected of them in their work with kids.)

Au Pairs ask for help all the time and can teach kids the value of getting help to avoid frustration and failure. If Au Pairs feel lost in their classes or do not know how to engage the host kids, asking for help is the best solution, just like successful students ask for help when needed.Au Pair helping with homework

Affordable Childcare and Academic Support: How Au Pairs Can Help

If you can practice these organization skills with your children (or ask your Au Pair to help your kids practice developing these habits), you’ll be that much closer to cultivating good study habits in your children’s lives. Before you know it, your kids will be well-practiced and have the best study habits.

Over time, your children will need less direction during study time. Au Pairs can support these habits and behaviors while interacting and encouraging kids. Plus, your Au Pair can be a great example of maintaining good study habits since they attend classes during their stay with your family.

Did you know that Au Pair childcare is affordable and flexible? The cost of paying a babysitter has risen right along with inflation, with the national average hourly rate for a babysitter in 2024 being $23.61 for one child and $26.57 for two kids. If your child(ren) needs extra help with school work, or your job takes you away from after-school time with them, an Au Pair can be a perfect tutor and coach for your kids to become habitual lifelong learners. Find an Au Pair today!

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Joan Lowell


Joan is a mother of six and is a writer and Local Area Representative in Providence, RI for Go Au Pair. She earned her BS in Elementary & Special Education from RI College and her MEd from Providence College. She helps lead other LARs in writing content and growing their clusters.

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About Our Au Pair Agency

Go Au Pair is one of the best Au Pair agencies in the United States, providing quality child care for over 30 years. Beginning as a nanny company in 1984, we soon expanded to include Au Pairs. We were one of the original Au Pair Program sponsors designated by the department of State in 1989.

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