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Au Pair Costs

How much does an Au Pair cost?

(at 45 hours per week)

Last updated: 2/26/2025

Save $250!

When you complete your profile within 7 days and complete our SPQ¹!
¹ Profile Complete Discount and Successful Placement Questionnaire (SPQ) Discount are subject to terms and conditions.
We accept Visa Discover Mastercard American Express and all other major credit and debit cards!

How much is an Au Pair? Here's the breakdown.

Au Pair costs are broken down into monthly, weekly, and hourly averages, which total all fees for the full year and divides by the duration of care.

These program fees are per family, not per child, making Au Pair child care one of the most affordable child care options. Go Au Pair does not include any discounts, room and board, or additional expenses in our averages.

Although presented as monthly, weekly, and hourly averages, agency fees are actually paid before your Au Pair arrives, except when enrolled in our flexible extended payment plans

What you pay
Agency Fees
To Your Au Pair
Agency Fees
New Customer Setup Fee
Weekly Stipend Minimum*
Education Contribution (max)
Monthly Average
$1,752.00 / month
Weekly Average
$404.31 / week
Hourly Average
$8.98 / hour

*The shown Au Pair Stipend of $195.75 is the minimum provided by the US Department of State based on minimum federal wages and a credit for room and board. However, Families and Au Pairs are free to agree to a stipend above the legally applicable minimum. Our calculations for monthly, weekly, and hourly averages consider this minimum Au Pair stipend.

Most Popular Payment Plan

Payments for agency fees are typically paid in two simple installments. The first installment is due at matching and the second installment is due 30 days prior to Au Pair arrival.

The time difference between payments varies depending on the visa process and when you want your Au Pair to arrive. Transfer or Extension Au Pairs currently located in the country sometimes follow a different structure. Contact our office for more details.

au pair payment schedule

**The first installment of the Agency Fee is collected when you match with you Au Pair. The above includes the $350 Placement Setup Fee and does not include any discounts.

***The second installment of Agency Fees is collected 30 days before your Au Pair arrives. Additional airfare costs may apply and are not included above. Discounts may apply and are not included above.

The weekly stipend* is paid once your Au Pair arrives, and Education is paid when the Au Pair registers for school.

Extended Payment Options

Go Au Pair recognizes the need of payment flexibility. Families who need program fees separated into more than two installments and allocated across a greater time frame can take advantage of one of our flexible payment plans.

All Go Au Pair payment plans have a first and second installment with remaining fees allocated across three, four, six or eight equal payments.

$1,865 every other month

$3,150 due at matching

Due 30 prior to Au Pair arrival: $1,600 + plan fee**** + air travel – discounts

$1,398.75 monthly

$3,150 due at Matching

Due 30 days prior to Au Pair arrival: $1,600 + plan fee**** + air travel – discounts

$932.50 monthly

$3,150 due at Matching

Due 30 days prior to Au Pair arrival: $1,600 + plan fee**** + air travel – discounts

$699.38 monthly

$3,150 due at Matching

Due 30 days prior to Au Pair arrival: $1,600 + plan fee**** + air travel – discounts

****Each payment plan is subject to a non-refundable payment plan fee which is due with the second installment. The 3 payment option has a total fee charge of $175.00. The 4 payment option has a total fee charge of $200.00. The 6 payment option has a total fee charge of $250.00. The 8 payment option has a total fee charge of $300.00.

Discounts & Promotions: Military, Pre-Match & More

Go Au Pair offers a variety of discounts to help make Au Pair costs & Au Pair child care an affordable solution for Host Families. Eligible families may qualify for one or more discount.

Extensions: If you and your Au Pair want to continue the experience after completing your first year together, you may extend your time for another 6, 9, or 12 months. Go Au Pair provides the same wonderful services and support throughout your extension placement and offers a great discount off of extension placement fees.

Unless otherwise noted, all discounts are awarded to families in conjunction with the second installment of agency fees. Some discounts require evidence for verification before being awarded, contact our office for details. Some discounts may be combined with promotional offers, check terms and conditions. Our Placement Coordinators check discount and promotion eligibility for all placements so Host Families always receive the maximum amount of savings possible.​

Profile Complete Discount (within 7 Days): $150 Discount

To fully assess if Au Pair child care is a good fit for your family you need to be screened and educated in the unique experience the program offers and meet some real potential Au Pairs!  This is only possible by completing your Host Family Profile and we reward families who quickly achieve this first step.

To qualify: Family must submit Host Family profile within 7 days of registering for the Go Au Pair Community.  If a family registers multiple times, the original registration date is used.  7 days is counted as calendar days (not business days).  Profile is deemed “submitted” when all required sections are complete, including one photo, terms & conditions are agreed to and the “Complete My Profile” button is clicked.  Families receive an email notification when their profile is submitted.  Discount available for the first placement with Go Au Pair and is awarded with Installment #1 of agency fees, paid at the time of match.    

Successful Placement Questionnaire: $100 Discount

Follow our best practices and be rewarded!  Complete a Successful Placement Questionnaire within 14 days of your profile approval (or before extending an offer, whichever is first).

To qualify: Family must submit Host Family profile to gain access to the questionnaire.  Profile approval is completed by Go Au Pair Headquarters and families are notified same day.  14 days is counted a calendar days (not business days).  Extending an offer is defined as using the action on the Favorites List in the Host Family Community to officially extend an offer to the Au Pair to join your family and to notify Go Au Pair of your intent. Discount available for the first placement with Go Au Pair and is awarded with Installment #1 of agency fees, paid at the time of match.

Military: $250 Discount

An exclusive discount for Host Families with at least one parent in Active Duty Military Service. This includes Reserves, National Guard and Veterans.

To qualify:  Host Family must provide evidence of military affiliation in conjunction with other family screening documents before Form DS-2019 is issued.  Common evidence documents include Leave and Earning Statement (LES), Pay stub and/or Military Id.  The discount may be applied to all placements with Go Au Pair and the same evidence may be used for all placements and does not need to be updated.  Discount is awarded with Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Switching Agency:  $500 Discount

Host Families who choose Go Au Pair after working with another agency are eligible for our Switching Agency Discount.  In order to qualify for the switching agency discount, families must submit proof of payment of their agency’s program fees.

To qualify:  Host Family must provide evidence of welcoming an Au Pair from another agency in conjunction with other family screening documents before Form DS-2019 is issued.  Receipt(s) of payment for full fees from prior agency are submitted as documentation.  Switching Agency discount is only applied to the first placement with Go Au Pair upon returning from another agency, not to any subsequent placements, but may be awarded multiple times if family switches back and forth between Go Au Pair an another agency multiple times.  Discount is applied to Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Partners: $100

Go Au Pair partners with companies and organizations across the U.S. to offer their employees and affiliates a special Company Partner Discount.  You are eligible if you are currently employed by Accenture or Salesforce.com.  Contact our business development department (marketing@goaupair.com) to learn how you can offer Au Pair child care to your organization.

To qualify: Family must provide a copy of the most recent pay stub clearly showing company name and Host Parent name in conjunction with other family screening documents before Form DS-2019 is issued.  The partners discount is only awarded once for the first Au Pair placement with Go Au Pair and is applied to Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Pre-Match:  $250 Discount

Families who find their own out of country Au Pair not currently available at Go Au Pair (pre-match) are eligible for this discount. The Au Pair must meet all of the Go Au Pair screening and training requirements.

To qualify:  “Out of Country Au Pair” is defined as an Au Pair not currently located in the U.S. (i.e. not transition or extension).  Au Pair “not currently available at Go Au Pair” is defined as an Au Pair who has not started the application process with our International Partner or has started the application process but our International Partner but has not gathered the minimum documents required to send the applicant to Go Au Pair.  Family must indicate the full name of their pre-match applicant and home country location before the Au Pair’s profile is sent to Go Au Pair.  Discount may be applied to any eligible placement and is awarded with Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Have you received a better price offer from another comparable Au Pair agency? Contact our office and give us a chance to match or beat another agency’s offer.

To qualify: “Comparable Au Pair agency” is defined as comparable in quantity of Au Pairs sponsored.  Agency’s fees must be for a comparable placement length and Au Pair type.  Host Family must provide evidence of comparable agency’s fees in conjunction with other family screening documents before Form DS-2019 is issued.  Common evidence documents include URL to agency website, copies of contracts from within 6 months, copies of written communication from comparable agency within 6 months clearly stating offer.  The price match may be awarded to any placement with Go Au Pair and is applied to Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Previous Customers Successful Placement: $500 Savings

Existing customers who continue to work with Go Au Pair following the successful completion of their most recent placement and past customers who return to Go Au Pair and their most recent placement was successful receive special discounts for their loyalty. 

To qualify: Family must successfully fulfill contractual and program obligations of the prior placement to qualify.  Savings is applied automatically (no evidence is required) and applied to Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Early Match: $200 Savings

Existing customers who continue to work with Go Au Pair and match with a new Au Pair at least 60 days before the expiration of the current Au Pair’s Form DS-2019 are rewarded for their excellent advance planning.  Additional credits may apply.

To qualify: Family must successfully fulfill contractual and program obligations of the prior placement to qualify and must match with a new Au Pair at least 60 days before the current Au Pair’s Form DS-2019 expires.  Match is defined as Host Family and Au Pair completing all paperwork required to issue Form DS-2019 for the new Au Pair.  Savings is applied automatically (no evidence is required) and applied to Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Extending with Same Au Pair: $1,905 Savings

Existing customers who extend for 12 additional months with their same Au Pair receive the largest discount of all as a tribute to their success. 

To qualify: Family must successfully fulfill contractual and program obligations of the prior placement to qualify.  Savings is applied automatically (no evidence is required) and applied to Installment #2 of agency fees, paid 30 days before Au Pair arrival.

Fees by Au Pair Type

Variations by Au Pair Type and Host Family

Fees for Au Pair child care depend on both the Host Family and the type of Au Pair chosen. Variations exist in the following categories:

  • Number of hours the Au Pair works each week (Maximum)
  • Number of weeks in the placement
  • Weekly Stipend (Minimum)*
  • Educational Contribution (Maximum)
  • Program fee
  • Domestic and international air travel fee
  • Discounts or promotions awarded

Go Au Pair does not charge an additional fee for infant qualified Au Pairs.

Au Pair Types

Standard Au Pair

This program is the most popular selection for our Host Families and Au Pair applicants. The standard program requires all Au Pair applicants to have previous childcare experience and pass Go Au Pair’s 17-point application process. Standard Au Pairs can work up to 45 hours each week, no more than 10 hours each day.

The EduCare program is designed for Host Families with school-aged children who don’t need 45 hours of childcare each week. EduCare Au Pairs work 30 hours each week and complete additional schooling. Au Pairs in this program receive a lower weekly stipend but their Host Family contributes more to their tuition.

The Plus program is for Au Pairs who have been an Au Pair in another country. Their schedule and requirements will still be the same as a Standard Au Pair, but their weekly pay is higher because of their extra experience.

Au Pairs that join the Premiere program are required to have additional experience. To qualify for this program, Au Pairs will either need a degree in childcare or have at least 2 years of full time childcare experience. Au Pairs in this program are at least 20 years old and have at least 6 months driving experience. Because of the additional qualification for this program, Premiere Au Pairs receive the highest weekly stipend.

1 Year Program Fees
New Customer Setup Fee
Program Fee
International & Domestic Air Travel Fees
Weekly Stipend (Minimum)
Education Contribution (Maximum)
Hours Per Week (Maximum)
45 Hours
30 Hours
45 Hours
45 Hours

Au Pair Pricing: Frequently Asked Questions

The Standard Au Pair Program’s Weekly Au Pair Stipend* is $195.75, as set by the U.S. Department of State based on federal minimum wages and a credit for room and board. Host Families and Au Pairs can and often do agree to a higher stipend if they wish.

Host Families and Au Pairs, not Go Au Pair, determine the stipend for an Au Pair. This amount is negotiated by both parties before matching. Host Families can encourage an Au Pair to match with their family by offering higher stipend, better benefits (car access, etc.) and/or more attractive schedules.

Some agencies set a higher minimum weekly stipend, ranging from $215-225/wk for a standard Au Pair. Many Au Pairs are given higher stipends ranging from $210–230/wk (and some even more). Each additional $10 given to an Au Pair’s weekly stipend costs a host family $43.33 / month.

An Au Pair costs $8.98 per hour, when choosing our standard program and  the Host Family and Au Pair agree to the minimum Au Pair stipend*.

An Au Pair costs $404.31 per week, when choosing our standard program and  the Host Family and Au Pair agree to the minimum Au Pair stipend*.

An Au Pair costs $1,752.00 per month, when choosing our standard program and  the Host Family and Au Pair agree to the minimum Au Pair stipend*.

An Au Pair costs $21,024.00 annually when choosing our standard program and the Host Family and Au Pair agree to the minimum Au Pair stipend*.

au pair riding trike with kid

It starts with your free registration.

Sign up for free and start searching for your family’s newest member today.

About Our Au Pair Agency

Go Au Pair is one of the best Au Pair agencies in the United States, providing quality child care for over 30 years. Beginning as a nanny company in 1984, we soon expanded to include Au Pairs. We were one of the original Au Pair Program sponsors designated by the department of State in 1989.

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