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Go Au Pair in Tallahassee

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Go Au Pair in Tallahassee offers a child care experience through cultural exchange.

Au Pairs provide reliable, live-in child care which meets the specific needs of your family.

And – an Au Pair costs the same no matter how many children you have.

Au Pairs in Tallahassee

What our Host Families love about the Au Pair program

Au Pairs are pre-screened international young adults with child care experience who provide full time, live-in child care and introduces a memorable cultural experience at an affordable cost. With Au Pair child care, families in Tallahassee, FL can enjoy all the benefits of in home child care.

Au Pairs can be responsible for general supervision of the children, driving, laundry, homework help, preparing meals, and providing morning and bedtime help. As an Au Pair agency, Go Au Pair is dedicated to helping families in the Tallahassee area choose an Au Pair that fits their specific family needs.

Local Area Representative in Tallahassee

Go Au Pair has a Local Area Representative in Tallahassee, FL and surrounding areas to help our families during their experience. Our agency’s local representative will assist your family and Au Pair with any questions related to your live in child care needs.

Rebecca Zeroth

Rebecca Zeroth

The areas I serve in Florida

Tallahassee is Florida’s capital city! It is known for its rolling red hills and beautiful canopied roads! A fun place for outdoor enthusiasts, it has 97 parks for walking and hiking, and is located only 30-60 minutes from the beaches and cold springs for swimming, sunbathing, and kayaking. Tallahassee also boasts 24 art galleries and 15 museums! It is a college town, home to lots of students and young professionals, and families. It has an active social scene and hosts numerous family friendly community events throughout the year. 

Tallahassee combines all the advantages of a big city with all the community and charm of a small town, making it a fantastic place to live, work, and have fun!  

My name is Rebecca Zeroth and I have been a Local Success Coach with Go Au Pair since 2024. I hold a Bachelor’s degree from Towson University, and a Master’s degree from the University of Exeter. I live in Tallahassee, Florida with my husband and our twins. I enjoy traveling (both locally and internationally), exploring the outdoors, and attending community events with my family.  

I had a wonderful experience being an Au Pair in Paris for a year, and now I enjoy helping Au Pairs and Host Families have a wonderful experience too.  

Our current Tallahassee Au Pairs are from Colombia and Ecuador and enjoy our family friendly community and southern charm. Our Tallahassee Host Families have infants all the way up to preteens and they work in a variety of professions. 

Au Pair Cultural Activities

Au Pairs are required to attend a number of Cultural Activities with their Local Area Representative and nearby Au Pairs to make sure they experience the local community and culture during their stay. Below are some of the activities Rebecca’s cluster has been up to recently!

Historic Indian Mounds at Lake JacksonThese earthen temple mounds, more than 800 years old, predate the Spanish settlements. The park also has several hiking trails, including a waterfall view, as well as a picnic area.

Grove MuseumOne of Tallahassee’s historic houses, which host family friendly events throughout the year, as well as preschool story times.

Wakulla SpringsA popular swimming hole and one of the world’s largest and deepest freshwater springs! The boat ride is an excellent opportunity to spot manatees, alligators, and other wildlife! This is also the filming location for Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954).

Additional Resources for Families and Au Pairs in Tallahasse, FL

Au Pairs can get a license and drive while in FL. Host Families need to check with their car insurance agency for their rules for adding an Au Pair to the insurance.

public transportation

Public transit is available close to the city center, but Au Pairs living further outside of town probably require a car for transportation.


E-scooters are also available around town.


The following schools are all approved through Go Au Pair, but Au Pairs should check with our Education Adviser at educoord@goaupair.com for any non-tradition courses to make sure they will count towards their credits.

  • Tallahassee State College
  • Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
  • Florida State University
  • Lively Area Vocational-Technical Center
  • North Florida Cosmetology Institute
  • Tallahassee Community College
  • Thomas University
  • Southern Regional Technical College

There is an ESOL class available at Tallahassee State College. https://www.tsc.fl.edu/academics/programs/adult-education/esol/

Other ESOL classes are sometimes available through local churches or community centers.

Weekend courses (six credits) are also available and encouraged! The nearest one is in Miami. https://www.aupairclasses.org/

au pair tax deduction informationAu Pairs and Host Families can learn about tax withholdings and filing specific for the Au Pair program. Always consult a tax advisor to learn how taxes apply.

au pair social security card informationAn Au Pair will need to get a Social Security # before getting a bank account and driver’s license. Go Au Pair will provide a welcome packet with social security information, on the Au Pairs arrival. We advise Au Pairs to wait 10 days after arrival to get their social security number. You can make an appointment at a social security office, closest to your home.

Child-Friendly Activities for Au Pairs and Host Families

Au Pairs will find that Tallahassee offers a wide variety of exciting things to do and places to visit. There are many historical museums, art displays, scenic touring, and physical activities. Families can help Au Pairs find activities they are most interested in.

Hiking: for those that enjoy the natural beauty of the outdoors, especially during the cooler months.

Playgrounds: a fun place to take the kids to let out all the energy.

Swimming at the cold springs and the beaches: summers in Tally are long and hot, a great opportunity to cool off in the outdoors.

Pools: another great way to cool off in the summer, and very convenient.

Splash pad: Kids love running around in the splash pad at Cascades Park, also a great place for birthday parties.

Library story times: there are story times for every age and every stage.

Roller skating rink and indoor Trampoline Park: a fun way to exercise at any time of the year.




About Our Au Pair Agency

Go Au Pair is one of the best Au Pair agencies in the United States, providing quality child care for over 30 years. Beginning as a nanny company in 1984, we soon expanded to include Au Pairs. We were one of the original Au Pair Program sponsors designated by the department of State in 1989.

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